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Say "NO!" to The Great Reset - your freedom belongs to you

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No to the Great Reset - your freedom is yours

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The Greens unmasked - let's stop the Germany destroyers!

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Initiative Christenschutz: Christianity needs our protection and our intercession

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5 million Afghan migrants at Germany's gates - we must prevent that!

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Nancy Faeser destroys security, prosperity and freedom!

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The federal government's power transition is bringing citizens to ruin


Sven von Storch in an interview with Christenschutz

Sven von Storch in an interview with the Initiative Meinungsfreiheit


The CDU/CSU promises a lot, does little, but is ultimately mainly responsible for developments in Germany


Sven von Storch in an interview with Initiative Meinungsfreiheit


Attack on four-year-old girl: Tagesschau prefers to report on the cherry blossom festival


Beatrix von Storch's enquiry has brought explosive information to light
