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Sven von Storch in an interview with Christenschutz

By repressing AfD members, the church leadership is actively participating in injustice


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The Great Game: Eurasia in the wake of geostrategy

In 2014 (!) the Institute for Strategic Studies Berlin (ISSB) published an article on the Freie Welt on the geostrategic background of the Ukraine crisis. Due to current events, the article appears here again.

Pouze 48 % má dojem, že je dovoleno svobodně vyjádřit svůj názor


The Freedom Index 2022 confirms the trend: Only 48 percent of citizens still feel that they can express their opinions freely. The majority, on the contrary, feel restricted and freedom of expression threatened.

Beatrix von Storch: The climate hydra must go

Beatrix von Storch explains that the AfD has started the avalanche with its topical hour in the Bundestag. But that must not be the end of it. Now it is all the more important to expose the Green filth and demand personal consequences.

Das Wahre Unwort des Jahres: Die Jury 2020

Our readers nominate the "True Unword of the Year". Our expert and prominent jury makes a pre-selection from all the suggestions, which readers can vote on in the new year. "Freie Welt" editor Sven von Storch is again part of the jury this year.

Russia and USA accuse each other of hybrid warfare

Because open warfare between major industrialised nations is no longer feasible without a complete risk of escalation, conflicts are frozen and continued on a subliminal level with the aim of exhausting the opponent economically and militarily. In the end, one hopes for the collapse of the opponent's regime.