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"Brussels will shut down the free internet in the next pandemic"

Sven von Storch in an interview for the "Meinungsfreiheit für den Bürger" initiative


We also wrote:

Citizens lose rights and freedoms, states their sovereignty in health matters

The WHO is planning comprehensive changes to the "International Health Regulations" in order to have more power and influence on the health policies of states in the event of a declared pandemic. The rights and freedoms of citizens are massively endangered by this.

Coronavirus and other disease outbreaks

The genesis of the new virus is typical for China. Time and again, the country is the source of dangerous pandemics. Anyone who knows the country immediately knows why. A stroll through the meat and fish markets is an eye-opener.

Slavoj Žižek, contemporary Marxist theorist

The "comunavirus" has broken out. Slavoj Žižek, one of today's most important Marxist theorists, shows this in his booklet "Virus", which was recently published in Italy. The Brazilian Foreign Minister has taken a stand on this.

Sven von Storch in an interview with Christenschutz

In future, pro-life campaigners are to be fined for publicly speaking out in favour of life. Sven von Storch takes a critical stance on the corresponding law by Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus (Greens).

The Great Game: Eurasia in the wake of geostrategy

In 2014 (!) the Institute for Strategic Studies Berlin (ISSB) published an article on the Freie Welt on the geostrategic background of the Ukraine crisis. Due to current events, the article appears here again.