What is really driving the Greens with their climate policy?
It is the interests of big hedge funds and shadow banks that have invested in the climate mega-trend. When super-rich interest groups set a new mega-trend, they support it threefold.
First, they invest in specific companies that can profit from such a trend. Secondly, they donate to organisations that drive this trend. And finally, they make their wealth and power work by influencing politicians to advance the trend through political and social decisions. This trend is then so entrenched that hedge funds invest in it en masse. The advertising industry picks up on this and makes the trend the criterion for evaluating companies and products.
I would like to enlighten and inform you who is behind the climate policy: a bulwark of financial interests of big "global players" who are pushing the mega-trend of the energy turnaround on all levels. The Greens are pawns on the playing field of big hedge funds and shadow banks. We taxpayers and citizens have to pay for the profits of the super-rich. We have to give up our holidays and our cars, pay more for heating and electricity, pay more taxes and levies, renovate our houses and change the heating system so that the investments of the super-rich in the climate industry are worthwhile. This is redistribution from the bottom to the top. We need to educate and show people where the climate wind is really blowing from.
Personalities like Patrick Graichen are interchangeable. We have to look at on whose behalf these people are travelling. Who finances the organisations they come from? Because they make the policy. When certain parties have the financial industry like BlackRock in the background, handling trillions, it is hard for democracy to lift the will of the people above the will of lobbyists and investors.
Friedrich Merz, a Blackrock man, wants to make common cause with the Greens to become chancellor. Conservative opposition looks different. It is called the AfD. The polls, 18 percent, on a par with the chancellor's party, the SPD, show that clearly. More and more citizens want a policy of reason, hence the AfD! We don't want to make a climate protection policy, because the climate has always changed over time. We as AfD want to continue to use oil and gas as energy sources and not shut down coal-fired power plants.